Greetings from Searcher, We’re just finishing up the second annual KW birthday bash 1.5 day trip! Based on information received on the way out to the fishing grounds we opted to head about 120 miles down in the search of albacore, bluefin, and kelp paddy yellowtail. Our morning started out with a jig strike for two albacore, followed up by a meter mark that led to 15 bluefin tuna. After that we managed to pick off a few more albacore throughout the day and visited a number of kelp paddies for some really good quality yellowtail. Our count for the day is 41 yellowtail, 15 bluefin and 7 albacore. We’re all glad to see the fishing improve out here and the conditions look promising! So come on out and catch some fish. Capt Joe Santos and the Crew