Ask An Angler

Catching up with Anglers

March 13th, 2021|Ask An Angler, Captain Mike's Blog|

Welcome to a segment we are calling “Catching up with Anglers!”

We love to stay in touch with our Searcher family to share 🎣fish stories, recreate the excitement, swap tackle tips, reunite with old friends and maybe make new ones. We thought it would be fun to see how our anglers are holding up and share some of their stories. Let’s catch up with an angler.⁠

Today we have a special, long-time Searcher family member and amazing angler Teresa R.

Name: Teresa Reynoso
From: Long Beach, CA
Job Title: Pediatrician, retired 

  • What’s your typical day like?:  My favorite part of the day is early morning, enjoying that first cup of fresh coffee!  Afterwards reading then planning my sewing projects which are mostly fishing themed such as facial masks, rod covers, tackle bag cover. 

  • Share your best tackle tip:  LISTEN to the captain and crew!!!  They know and what worked in the morning may change in the afternoon or next day.  I’ll watch other anglers for a bit to see what’s working and what isn’t.

  • Who or what got you into fishing?:   My dad fished a few times with friends and took my brother as kids. I didn’t go because dad thought other guys were pretty salty and didn’t want to expose me to that. My college roommate fished with her boyfriend and invited me to Santa Ana Lake and Newport Pier; that’s when I got hooked!!!  My years in med school were too busy but after completing that, WOW!  I fished mostly day or 3/4 day boat in San Diego.
  • A “must have” in your tackle box is: Owner hooks, sunscreen, water bottle.
  • Favorite fish dish?  Fresh Ahi, seared or in poke.
  • What kind of fish is inside your fish taco? I love yellowtail for tacos. I skip the breading and do a quick seat which gives it some crunch.
  • Favorite hobby other than fishing: I love reading, sewing and cooking.
  • What Searcher trip are you most excited about?   The Lady Angler trips!  I’m looking forward to the 6th annual trip in August 2021. It’s a great way to meet other lady anglers, share tips and make new friends.

  • Favorite fishing memory:   My first 7 day out to The Island, Janice and I were the only 2 women. No bites at all until the last day. I was at the stern when Captain Art said : “Boil in the corner “.  I knew my bait was swimming towards the boil when bam!  I got bit!!!  Captain followed me up and down the rail, offering to help if I got tired, telling me “it’s just a fish”.  ME: “ Yeah Art but it’s MY Fish!”  After getting me around the anchor, he gaffed it and I followed him back to the stern where he announced to the guys I brought in a nice BFT with his assist around the anchor and the guys let out the
  • Fish you are looking forward to catching: Wahoo, Ono
  • What motivates you?: My faith, love of my family and friends.
  • Favorite thing to do in your spare time?:  I never had spare time until I retired.  Now I have time to plan our glamping trips and fishing trips!  I’ve always loved attending fishing shows like Fred Hall, and seminars sponsored at Turner’s San Marcos, and picking up great tips from Lori Sachau and Wendy Tochihara!
  • Bucketlist fish/ fish you haven’t caught but want to?:  I’d like to get a 300lb BFT. It would feed all my extended family in the OC!

Catching up with Anglers

February 6th, 2021|Ask An Angler, Captain Mike's Blog|

Welcome to a segment we are calling “Catching up with Anglers!”

We love to stay in touch with our Searcher family to share 🎣fish stories, recreate the excitement, swap tackle tips, reunite with old friends and maybe make new ones. We thought it would be fun to see how our anglers are holding up and share some of their stories. Hopefully they can give you ideas of things we can be doing with your time or help you feel better. Let’s catch up with an angler.⁠

Today we have a special, long-time Searcher family member, Dave Roti! We invite you to get to know Dave and the other volunteers with CCA-San Diego’s chapter here: San Diego Chapter of CCA

Name: Dave Roti
From: Poway, California
Job Title: Marketing / Mentoring Manager, G2 National Engineered Wood Mfg.

  • What’s your typical day like?: Up early, seek out something informative/educational/inspirational to read. Address the construction industry work issues, keep that on track. Reward myself with a few hours outdoors; continual home projects, maintain our mini fruit orchard, exercise. Volunteer/support California Conservation Association & other fishing interests.

  • Share your best tackle tip: Familiarize yourself with your gear, practice with it. Include casting and knot tying. There are many benefits; it lessens fish fighting mistakes/failures, takes you into fishing mode even when not on the water!

  • Who or what got you into fishing? My uncle Doug would take me fishing often and pay me to dig worms for us to use as bait. A highlight was catching a sturgeon at Big Bend Dam on the Missouri River.
  • A “must have” in your tackle box is: A wide assortment of quality hooks. It’s an inexpensive way to increase your odds of enticing fish to bite, when all they want is bait and the bite is picky.
  • Favorite fish dish? Grilled yellowtail, Fish Pros seasonings, Temecula Olive Oils/Balsamic Vinegars, lemon/lime juice from our trees. Different ingredient combos each time, great results every time!
  • What kind of fish is inside your fish taco? Dorado. The sweet/moist/mild flavor has wide appeal, is our go-to for BBQ parties & guests!
  • Favorite hobby other than fishing: Woodworking/building projects. Love the creative process, renovating something from old to new.
  • What Searcher trip are you most excited about? Steve Carson’s Penn University. He’s a wealth of knowledge, and I’ve made some great friends on those trips.
  • Favorite fishing memory: On one of those Searcher trips, I caught a personal grand slam in one day: yellowfin tuna, yellowtail, dorado, and wahoo. On another trip, while dropper loop fishing in the dark, I saw a huge white shadow swim alongside the boat. It startled me, so I sheepishly asked Art to confirm what it was. He laughed, informed me that it was a 30’ whale shark!
  • Fish you are looking forward to catching: Roosterfish
  • What motivates you? Blessing others…blesses me!
  • Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Reading. Also the design process involved in construction projects, a part of my job description that I love.
  • Bucketlist fish/fish you haven’t caught but want to? Two: big eye tuna or an opah

Catching up with Anglers

January 23rd, 2021|Ask An Angler, Captain Mike's Blog|

Welcome to a new segment we are calling “Catching up with Anglers!”

We love to stay in touch with our Searcher family to share 🎣fish stories, recreate the excitement, swap tackle tips, reunite with old friends and maybe make new ones. We thought it would be fun to see how our anglers are holding up and share some of their stories. Hopefully they can give you ideas of things we can be doing with your time or help you feel better. Let’s catch up with an angler.⁠

Today we have a special, long-time Searcher family member. Plus she is one awesome lady angler.

(Photos taken before Covid 19 requirement of masks and distancing.)

Name: Jodie Escobedo (far left)
From:  Santa Monica
Job Title:  Family Doctor
  • What’s your typical day like?:  Now?  Crazy.  Covid!?  Nothing is routine and we are seeing more tragic deaths and deathly ill people every day.  I get up, drive to my office in Harbor City, answer some emails, review labs, see patients all morning.  At noon I listen remotely to the day’s Covid tallies and learn the latest Covid info hot off the morning’s press releases.  Afternoon is more patients, emails, calls, labs etc.

  • Share your best tackle tip:  A sharp hook will scratch your fingernail easily.  Check this with every one you tie on and after any fish that gives your hook back.

  • Who or what got you into fishing?   My son. Always wanted to take him deep sea fishing.  It was not love at first sight for him but I was hooked after just a half day rockfish trip.
  • A “must have” in your tackle box is:  Owner hooks, irons and an aluminum pair of pliers.  Oh! Fluorocarbon!
  • Favorite fish dish?  Smoked salmon. But I also am very fond of good old English fish and chips.  Then there is sautéed rockfish.  And Oh! Bluefin sushi of any kind.  I can’t choose. I guess whatever fish is for dinner!
  • What kind of fish is inside your fish taco?  Mahi-mahi!
  • Favorite hobby other than fishing: Building, repairing and refinishing.  An old house and limited resources makes Jodie an average handyman.
  • What Searcher trip are you most excited about?  The 7 day with Izorline and Turners. I so want another chance for wahoo and a BIG tuna!
  • Favorite fishing memory:  I was just learning to cast iron.  I was in the back of the boat and Captain Art’s voice over the PA said “Kelp patty. Gonna stop.”  I literally ran up the side of the boat, grabbed my jig stick off the rack and saw the kelp patty getting closer over the bow rail. I casted out immediately and placed it about 2 feet from the kelp and got hit by a big yellowtail in less than a second. I was just in heaven!  I couldn’t stop giggling!
  • Fish you are looking forward to catching:  My third wahoo!
  • What motivates you?  Truthfully, diversity.  Humans process information to simplify and generalize – that is where prejudice comes from.  The more you get to know people from different backgrounds, different cultures, with different colored skin, the better your life gets and the more you keep an open mind about new experiences and people. That is one of reasons I love Searcher.  It’s the greatest group of fishermen from all over the age range, job description and background ride Searcher. Every trip I learn so much and make new friends.
  • Favorite thing to do in your spare time?  What spare time?
  • Bucketlist fish/fish you haven’t caught but want to?   WHITE SEABASS!!!!

Catching up with Anglers!

June 19th, 2020|Ask An Angler, Captain Mike's Blog|

Welcome to a new segment we are calling “Catching up with Anglers!”

We love to stay in touch with our Searcher family to share 🎣fish stories, recreate the excitement, swap tackle tips, reunite with old friends and maybe make new ones. We thought it would be fun to see how our anglers are holding up and share some of their stories. Hopefully they can give you ideas of things we can be doing with your time or help you feel better. Let’s catch an angler.⁠

Today we have a special angler a long time Searcher family member. Plus he is a rep for Izorline and is always so willing to education and share his knowledge. We had to check in with him and see how he is doing.

Name: Howard Folmer

From:  Gardena, CA

Job Titles: Son, Dad, Husband, Grandfather (Really loving being a Grandfather!),  Electrician, Project Specialist, Pro-Staff for Izorline
  • Day in the life during quarantine: Still working 6 or 7 days a week.  It’s been a huge blessing to be support for essential services like Hospitals. 

  • Challenges during quarantine: Not liking wearing the masks.  Not fishing.
  • Tackle Tip: Keep your rods, reels, terminal tackle and line in top shape!  Change your topshot after a big fish, and after every trip.

  • Benefits of this tackle tip: LESS TRAFFIC!!

  • What’s on tv: I discovered Netflix just recently!  Finished Orange is the New Black, Watching Lucifer, and several fishing shows like Chasing Monsters and Hardliners.

  • New stuff you dig: Been experimenting with both tuna and beef jerky’s on the smoker.  Killing it!
  • Weird thing you’ve done: Tough question, there’s so many….(my friends call me How-weird for a reason)!   Several hundred things come to mind, but here is one: I was once on stage, dressed in drag and NOT part of the cast!
  • What’s in/must have in your tackle box: A few hooks, a few sinkers, LOTS OF JIGS!
  • Anything you have  stocked up on: Jigs, fishing line, toilet paper, and sanitizing wipes!

  • Favorite fish dish: Beer battered Halibut and chips!

  • Motivation: Family and friends.  Love makes life worth living, and I have more than I could have ever imagined!

  • Fish you are looking forward to catching: I really want an Opah and a Swordfish!

  • Positives: Watching one Son work from Home….he is amazing at his job! (I never knew)

Thank you so much Howard! We hope to see you on the water🌊soon!⁠

Catching up with Anglers!

June 6th, 2020|Ask An Angler, Captain Mike's Blog|

Welcome to a new segment we are calling “Catching up with Anglers!”

We love stay in touch with our Searcher family aka anglers, to share 🎣fish stories, recreate the excitement, swap tackle tips, reunite with old friends and maybe make new ones. We thought it would be fun to see how our anglers are holding up and share some of their stories. Hopefully they can give you ideas of things we can be doing with your time or help you feel better. Let’s catch an angler.⁠

Today we have a special angler who is a staple on the Searcher. She is a great angler and she knows what she is doing on deck.

Name: Anne
From: Redondo, CA
Job Titles: Former Doc

  • Day in the life during quarantine: Checking fishing chit chat and landing sites; thinking about next trip

  • Challenges during quarantine: Patience while waiting to get back out to sea.

  • Tackle Tip: Sharping hooks, fresh line.

  • Benefits: Confidence when you get hit.

  • What’s on tv: Ozark

  • New stuff you dig: still looking online for the “ultimate” jig stick.

  • Positives: Getting Enough sleep

  • Weird thing you’ve done: Will not overshare, thanks for asking.

  • What’s in/must have in your tackle box: Blue tape and sunscreen.

  • Anything you are stocked up on: ⁠Iron (way overstocked)

  • Favorite fish dish: Grilled yellowtail with salsa

  • Motivation: Surviving intact with family and friends

  • Fish you are looking forward to catching: WAHOO, crazy fun!

Thank you so much Anne! We hope to see you on the water🌊soon!⁠

Catching up with Anglers!

May 27th, 2020|Ask An Angler, Captain Mike's Blog|

Catching up with Anglers!

Welcome to a new segment we are calling “Catching up with Anglers!”

We love stay in touch with our Searcher family aka anglers, to share 🎣fish stories, recreate the excitement, swap tackle tips, reunite with old friends and maybe make new ones. We thought it would be fun to see how our anglers are holding up and share some of their stories. Hopefully they can give you ideas of things we can be doing with your time or help you feel better. Let’s catch an angler.⁠

Today we have a special angler Mike Townes  a long time Searcher family member. We had to check in with him and see how he is doing.


From:  Lodi, California “Zinfandel Capital of the World.”

Job Titles: Retired, work part-time as a Background Investigator for the City of Stockton

  • Day in the life during quarantine: Currently, I am working from home on my investigations. I go into the office two times a week to check mailbox and do interviews over the phone…At home, I have plenty of “honey do’s” to complete. My focus now is to clean out the garage, building shelving and prepping for painting inside the house. I am a multitasker.

  • Challenges during quarantine:  My mother who is 90 yrs old. Making sure she is doing fine daily. She is a very independent lady for her age.

  • Tackle Tip:  Well, I have cleaned out my tackle box and bags several times. I took inventory on what I have regarding fishing stuff (Please don’t tell my wife, I have a tackles store).  Everyone should check those hooks in your tackle box/bags on your lures for rust. Replace them if they are rusty.  Also, check your guides on your fishing rods and make sure they are not damaged and seated properly on the rod. Overtime, the epoxy around guides tends to deteriorate due to stress and time. Repair them. You do not want the guides to unhinge while fighting a fish. 

  • Benefits: Losing weight!  I walk 4 times a week 5 plus miles bad knees and all since being shelter in place…It gets me out of the house 

  • What’s on TV: Not much. All re-runs of everything. I am a big Pig Man fan.

  • New stuff you dig:  Fishing rod building. I am refurbishing some old rods I have before I start building my new ones. Practice makes perfect or less mistakes.

  • Weird thing you’ve done:  Statute of limitations are not up yet. I can’t tell you.

  • Positives:  I would say keeping a positive attitude during this entire situation.

  • What’s in/must have in your tackle box: Wahoo Lure Nomad DTX Minnow Trolling Lure. I prefer the Gold color.

  • Anything your stocked up on:  Hooks in all sizes. I prefer Mustad, Owners and Eagle Claw Trokar hooks. Leader materials such as fluorocarbon, mono and wire. I prefer Kinky 2 Kinky leader wire.It will not twist or get knotted up. I stock up while at the Fred Hall Show every year.

  • Favorite fish dish: Fresh water, fried Crappie and Catfish.  Saltwater, fried Ling Cod, grilled Wahoo, Yellowtail, Halibut and Tuna with plenty of garlic and plenty of cold beer(s).

  • Motivation:  My family and my faith!!!!

  • Fish you are looking forward to catching: In April 2019, I caught my personal best YFT 215lbs. Well, I would like to catch a 300lbs Tuna.

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