Happy Anniversary, Searcher!
54 years ago, our beautiful vessel was launched in Newport Beach, CA by her builders, Bill and Ingrid Poole. What a proud moment that was, as the Cape Polaris entered the water after a year of construction, thus starting a new era of long-range sportfishing. How proud we were to continue that tradition!
I like to post on May 24 every year to share our Cape Polaris/Searcher Pride, and this year, I wanted to include a message of huge gratitude to all our followers and customers. The new team has taken over posting and so this will be my last.
I remember the first 100 Facebook followers in 2011 (now 9,000 followers) and the first dozen Instagram followers in 2015 (now 11,400 followers) like it was yesterday. We felt joy with every new connection we made, and the challenge to create content that would grow our audience.
We love the Poole family photos/memorabilia, like the Cape Polaris launch party photo featured in this post.
And in our first instagram posts (below), you can see we always liked posting photos of our beautiful Searcher, happy departure photos, fun marketing schemes, and anglers with a nice catch.
Thank you for making it a really great run! #capepolaris #1970proud #hooklineandsearcher
Captain Art (who never once posted, though we wanted you to think otherwise) and your OG land crew forever, celia