Searcher Finds Flatties
story by Bill Roecker
"We had 21 anglers," said Searcher skipper Art Taylor after a five-day trip June 21, "and 15 of them had their best fish. Nine anglers had the first fish of a species." "We fished at Cedros and in open water," continued Taylor, "and we found a little area where we had jig strikes and meter marks on tuna. We got nine albacore between nine and noon yesterday. The yellowtail fishing at Cedros was phenomenal, with the fish biting on all methods."
Halibut swept the jackpot. Roger Bookman of Fullerton won first place for a 43.4-pounder. He bagged that baby on a sardine, a 5/0 ringed Gorilla hook on 50-pound Big Game line, a Shimano two-speed reel (he didnít know the model) and a Calstar seven-foot rod. Scott Car of Chandler, AZ was second, for a 42.8-pounder. Tony Marasco of San Antonio, TX was third, for a 38.8-pound halibut.
The last Searcher lineup shot included Tony Altieri of Burbank, Kevin Mills of Del Mar and Roger Brookman of Fullerton, posing with three dandy albacore, the first such tuna of the season for the Searcher.