Trip 53 – Denio’s 40th B-Day Bash – Day 6 Update
Good afternoon,
We spent the day in the same zone as we arrived in late yesterday but today brought much different results. We had a steady pick all morning on beautiful 18–30 pound yellowtail. Everyone was able to catch and tag a handful and get in on the action. As it seems to be shutting down this afternoon we will be traveling up and taking a look at the big tuna zone for hopefully a couple more trophy bluefin before we call it a trip and point the boat back towards the dock.
We will be arriving back at Fisherman’s Landing early Wednesday morning. We’re all looking forward to finding out the weight of the yellowtail. If you’re area the area, stop by.
If you haven’t already, make sure to check out our 2025 schedule and come fish with us next year.
Captain Mike, Captain Shane and The Boys

Trip 53 – Denio’s 40th B-Day Bash Update
Good evening,
Epic day out here at Alijos! Hammering 70-90lb yellowfin tuna all day long, with some beastly yellowtail and a token wahoo. We’re going to camp out for the night and see what the dark hours have in store. Weather has been beautiful all week long.
If you haven’t already, make sure to check out our 2025 schedule and come fish with us next year.
Captain Mike and The Boys

Trip 53 – Denio’s 40th B-Day Bash! 8-Day, Nov. 19-27
Good evening,
Tuesday morning we left the dock on our last fishing trip of the 2024, Denio’s 40th Birthday Bash! We’re out on an 8-Day Ultra Limited Load, running from Tuesday, November 19th to Wednesday, November 27th. Yesterday afternoon we got down to the tuna zone around 3 PM and were able to stop on fish. Shortly after arriving we scratched some 40-70 pounds yellowfin and a couple bluefin ranging from 100-160 pounds before the sun went down. Later, we spent a good portion of the night driving around picking at 80-180 pound bluefin on jigs in the dark before stopping for a few hours to let everyone get some rest.
Today, we spent the morning looking for more yellowfin and were able to pick up a handful before pointing the boat south. With some beautiful trophy fish in the hold, we will be traveling the rest of the day and tonight to put us in position for tomorrow to target yellowtail and more yellowfin.
Make sure to check out our 2025 schedule
Captain Mike, Captain Shane and The Boys

Trip 52 – Family & Friends Charter! Nov. 17-19
Good evening,
Searcher drove out Sunday morning on trip #52, November 17th – 19th, a 2-day charter with family and friends. We traveled down the beach yesterday to put ourselves in position for today. Glassy weather made for lots of action and steady rock fishing. Fun day and good times on the water with family and friends.
Make sure to check out our 2025 schedule
Captain Shane reporting for Captain Mike and The Boys

Trip 49, 8-Day Limited Load, Update
Good evening,
Day 5 on our 8-Day Limited Load, trip #49. Today was a nice day on the water. We stopped on a spread of mixed yellowfin and bluefin tuna, running 35-100 lbs. Drifted all afternoon from 2 to 6 PM with flurries in between. The guys caught all the tuna they wanted to keep. Tomorrow we’re going to try for yellowtail.
If you have three days off and want to fish, we have open spots on trip #51, a 3-day trip from November 14 – 17, 2024.
Make sure to check out our 2025 schedule
Captain Mike and The Boys

Trip 49, 8-Day Limited Load. Nov. 4-12, 2024
Good evening,
Searcher drove out on Monday for trip #49, an 8-Day Limited Load running from November 4 – 12, 2024. After traveling the past couple days, we got onto some 30-40lb tuna this morning and they’re biting good. Flat calm weather. The guys are having a blast!
If you’re looking to join in on the fun, we still have open spots for Trip #51, a 3-day trip from November 14 – 17, 2024.
Make sure to check out our 2025 schedule
Captain Mike and The Boys

Trip 48, 8-Day Ultra Limited Load – Awesome Finish
Good evening,
Awesome finish to the day on good grade yellowtail. The anglers tagged what they wanted. Now it’s starting to get choppy again. We’re going to move up the line and get ahead of the weather.
If you feel like fishing, trip #51 has open spots. It’s a 3-day running from November 14 – 17, 2024.
Make sure to check out our 2025 schedule
Captain Mike and The Boys

Trip 48, 8-Day Ultra Limited Load – Update
Good afternoon,
Day 6 on trip #48, 8-Day Ultra Limited Load from October 27th to November 4th. We’ve been scratching out a nice trip over the past few days in some choppy weather. But this morning, we scored with some epic tuna fishing and flat calm weather.
Join us on trip #51, 3-Day Offshore, Thursday to Sunday, November 14 – 17, 2024. We’ve got open spots!
Make sure to check out our 2025 schedule

Trip 48, 8-Day Ultra Limited Load, Oct. 27 – Nov. 4
Good afternoon,
Searcher set out Sunday morning on trip #48, an 8-Day Ultra Limited Load from October 27th to November 4th. Last night just before sundown we had a nice shooter on some good grade yellowfin at the ridge. Today was solid, we’ve been scratching yellows throughout the morning.
Join us on trip #51, 3-Day Offshore, Thursday, November 14 to Sunday, November 17, 2024. We’ve got open spots.
Make sure to check out our 2025 schedule
Happy Halloween!