Good morning,
We had excellent yellowtail fishing this morning. It was “all you wanted” on 15-25# fish. Most of the time we had 2-8 fish hooked, and then we had a hour when it was full-speed and everyone had one on.
Very good surface iron yoyo and fly line fishing. Now we’re going to target grouper, then take off and try find a kelp on our way back up.
Captain Mike and the boys

Dale captures a keeper YT.
Good evening,
We ended up catching a few grouper this afternoon on the dropper loop and the yoyo jigs, as well as some more yellowtail which we released.
We left The Ridge about 3 p.m. to look for a kelp but the conditions weren’t quite right and we found kelps with no fish associated.
We’re still rolling up. Going to try find a good kelp tomorrow, weather permitting.
Captain Mike and the boys

Long-time angler, Bob B, is pretty pleased with his first-ever grouper!