Good morning, anglers:
We managed a few on the flat falls last night and this morning. We’re seeing the same grade bluefin as yesterday: 30-50lbs. It’s a very good sign of fish, but it has been tough to get a bite. We had one stop for a dozen or so all caught on the fly lined sardine on 25lb test.
Captain Mike and the boys,

Mark with his morning bluefin
Good evening anglers:
We opted for a change of pace here this afternoon and went in search of big bluefin. We searched all afternoon, finally got on them at about 5:30 p.m. and had a shot at them. We had quite a few bites but we only landed a few of these beauties. There was very good sign here once we did get on them. Our biggest fish on the boat this year taped in at 239lbs. We”re going to try catch some on the flat falls here tonight before we have to run in.
Captain Mike and the boys

Jeanine and Pat (husband and wife) double-teamed this cow bluefin (239#)