Hello all,
We had some opportunity on bluefin tuna last night. We used heavy line and 200-300 gram knife and flat fall lures.
We arrived on scene at 10 pm and started landing fish right away. Then the fish vanished at 1 am. Our anglers had a chance at catching a bigger tuna though! Hoping for some chances during the day today.
Check out a recent Tackle Tip Thursday on lures for bluefin: Tackle Tip Thursday Vol. 186 (Knife Jigs for Bluefin)
Captain Art and Team Searcher

One of the 80# bluefin we landed last night
Hello anglers,
We stayed in the bluefin zone yesterday with very little success. The bluefin did their dissappearing act again.
We saw a few fish in the afternoon and managed to land two 75# fish. We headed south to look for kelp paddies.
More later,
Captain Art and Team Searcher

Mike and crewman Niko got that bluefin aboard!