Good morning,
We looked locally at some school-grade bluefin tuna yesterday and had no success. So we decided to slide down the beach last night.
We’ve spent our day kelping this morning and have finally found our first biting kelp. We’re seeing quite a bit of quality dorado and yellowtail on them. The first few kelps didn’t bite, but the last one did. The yellowtail are 10-25# and the dorado are 8-14#.
Good action, fun fishing, good weather.
Captain Mike and the boys

Quality yellowtail for Michele!
Good evening,
We had a big day today. We found a few more kelps that were biting pretty good. It’s the same grade of fish. Very good action on quality grade of fish. We were catching them every way you could think of surface iron, yoyo lures, fly lined baits, colt snipers .. all of the above.
We’re going to try again in the morning.
Captain Mike and the boys