Good morning,
We did not see much fish at all last night. When the sun came up. all we saw was big fish (100# and up). There was a lot of them but they were not biting.
We found these 25-50# fish about lunchtime. We see a massive amount of it now but we cant get them to bite. It’s all on their own bait. We have one 50# fish on the boat so far for our day.
Captain Mike and the boys

Good evening,
Good bluefin tuna watching today, not very good fishing however. It’s very tough to get a bite, but plenty of sign around of all grades of fish. We managed to snag a couple more this afternoon. We still see this incredible sign at the moment some have hopes for tonight.
As we well know, everyday is different and every hour of everyday is different, so opportunity can arise here at any time.
Captain Mike and the boys