Good morning anglers,
We had a few big fish in the dark last night–100+lbers–but it was not all that red hot. We were seeing massive spots of this 40-60lb grade bluefin all morning but with very little catching success. At about 10 am we slid into a large flat spot and then we had them boiling all around the boat and eating 50lb in the corner. It’s a pretty nice change from the non-biting fish we’ve been dealing with for the past couple weeks. Here is with a sample of what we’ve been catching all day.
Captain Mike and the boys
Check out these tackle suggestions: Tackle for Offshore Trips

Sample of our day’s catch
Good afternoon anglers,
We’ve got on another school here this afternoon and we’re plunking on these 40-60lb bluefin now. It’s a good sign with lots of bites and lots of smiles and high fives from the anglers. Fly lined 50lb with a #2 circle hook and some flurocarbon to match has been the key to success here today.
Captain Mike and the boys
Check out these tackle suggestions: Tackle for Offshore Trips