Good morning anglers,
We arrived on scene here at about midnight and started seeing fish right away. It was pretty tough for us to get a bite on the flat falls in the dark. Since then we’ve been scratching away a little bit. We had one long drift that started in the gray. The fish we’re seeing and catching right now are 50-200lbs, with a few 20lbers as well. The biggest one we’ve landed was 184lbs. We lost a bigger one at gaff and have had multiple heart breaks. That’s bluefin fishing! Anglers are fishing 80lb but our casualty rate is still pretty high due to tangles, bite offs and pulled hooks.
Captain Mike and the boys
Check out these tackle suggestions: Tackle for Offshore Trips

Andrew is smiling about catching this 95lber from our first stop!
Good evening anglers,
We scratched away all day on mixed grade bluefin. The majority of them were 50-180lbs with some smaller ones mixed in. The majority were caught on the sinker rig on 80lb. We see good sign in the dark here of 100lb+ fish, but the anglers are burnt out and we only have a few people fishing. We’ve got one of these 100 lbers, with only a couple anglers fishing. We still have a good sign of fish. We’ll check back in the morning,
Captain Mike and the boys
Check out these tackle suggestions: Tackle for Offshore Trips

Steve picked up this beauty on the sinker rig.