Good morning anglers,
We’ve had some good opportunities today on 30-50lb yellowtail and 90-100lb tuna. They were biting a little this morning and boiling all around the boat. It’s backed off to hooking one every now and then, but the current’s starting to run so we’re hanging in there for the afternoon shooter.
Captain Mike and the boys

Eric G. and his score!
Good evening anglers,
We had some opportunity here today with a pretty good sign of BIG fish. Everything we are catching here is large. Bill had the biggest tuna of the day at 117# and Paul had the fish of the trip so far a 58#yellowtail. It’s a pretty cool sight to see them boiling around the boat like they were all day.
There were some lulls but and it was tough to get a bite at times, but we managed to boat some trophies. Going to try for bait again tonight or in the morning and then see if we can gather up some more.
Captain Mike and the boys

Paul is 6’5″ and this yellow weighs 58#!