Nov 1 (Oct 29-Nov 4) 8 day Ultra Limited Load
We arrived on The Ridge this morning and were stopped shortly after arrival to a wahoo strike! We looked around for that better tuna but couldn’t seem to locate any that wanted to bite. Around lunchtime we picked up the anchor to troll around again and have had a few stops since then.
We have 15 wahoo onboard for our day so far and every angler has one. The people are stoked! We are gonna continue to troll and try and locate tuna before moving down The Ridge tonight.
Captains Jason and Shane, and Team Searcher
Check out some tackle tip videos before your trip here: Searcher Sportfishing YouTube channel

Oct 31 (Oct 29-Nov 4) 8 day Ultra Limited Load
Our morning started off very slow. We fished the same zone we had been fishing weeks prior for nicer grade yellowtail for little success. We scratched a few for our efforts.
We left around 11 a.m., making our way south where we ran trolled into some very good yellowfin fishing. Nice grade 20-30# fish and plenty of opportunity. Anglers are warmed up and we will be on The Ridge tomorrow.
Captains Jason and Shane, and Team Searcher
Check out some tackle tip videos before your trip here: Searcher Sportfishing YouTube channel

Oct 27 (Oct 21-29) 8 day Ultra Limited Load
Check out some tackle tip videos before your trip here: Searcher Sportfishing YouTube channel

Oct 26 (Oct 21-29) 8 day Ultra Limited Load
Good evening,
Good yellowtail fishing on the beach this morning on 10-18# fish. We had a few drifts picking on the yo-yos and sliding sinkers. Fun fishing. We had some more tuna off the edge after lunch. We’re anchored up at Asunción for dinner and headed up for more yellowtail tomorrow.
Check out some tackle tip videos before your trip here: Searcher Sportfishing YouTube channel
Oct 25 (Oct 21-29) 8 day Ultra Limited Load
October 25, 2023
Check out some tackle tip videos before your trip here: Searcher Sportfishing YouTube channel

Oct 24 (Oct 21-29) 8 day Ultra Limited Load
October 24, 2023
Check out some tackle tip videos before your trip here: Searcher Sportfishing YouTube channel

Oct 23 (Oct 21-29) 8 day Ultra Limited Load
October 23, 2023
Good afternoon,
Check out some tackle tip videos before your trip here: Searcher Sportfishing YouTube channel

Oct 18 and 19 (Oct 14-21) 7 day Ultra Limited Load
October 18, 2023
Good evening,
We started on the 13 this morning. This nice grade of tuna started biting the yo-yo jigs in the dark. Anglers that wanted some more came out and caught a few. When the sun came up they started biting the fly lined sardines. We tagged a few more and let some go.
We spent the rest of the morning trying to catch something different. We had one more hit with some pargo and a handfull of grouper. We’re rolling up the line fishing yellows tomorrow again on the beach.
Captain Mike and the boys
Check out some tackle tip videos before your trip here: Searcher Sprtfishing YouTube channel

October 19, 2023
Good afternoon,
We’re calling it a trip here. We had a nice finisher with very good yellowtail fishing this morning on 18-25# fish. Yo-yo fly lined bait and sliding egg sinkers worked best on 40/50lb. Very good sign, very good fishing.
Captain Mike and the boys
Check out some tackle tip videos before your trip here: Searcher Sprtfishing YouTube channel

Oct 17 part 2 (Oct 14-21) 7 day Ultra Limited Load
Good evening
Nice afternoon today! We kept scratching away on wahoo throughout the day, and we had a couple good opportunities. We did have a hit on 25-40lb yellowfin as well. Pretty amazing fishing down here right now.
We are going to move up for some more tuna, a few more wahoo hopefully and see what else we can come up with tomorrow.
Captain Mike and the boys