Trip Reports

Fishing news and tackle tips!

Trip Reports

Team Searcher at LP Fishing Supply In Oceanside for seminar and summer social!

“”Tackle Tips for Multi-day Trips” seminar and a summer social at the tackle shop in Oceanside!”

From Searcher Sportfishing seminar at LP Fishing Supply. Posted by SearcherSportfishing on 7/16/2017 (16 items)

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July 16th, 2017|Categories: Trip Reports|

Trip 6 (1.5 day) Golden Charter July 12 report

Hello anglers: We had some action this morning on a kelp paddie! Tom Golden is pictured fighting a yellowtail. Everyone has had a chance to land a yellow and we are now looking for more.
Team Searchersstrip6golden

Hello anglers: We had great action this morning catching yellowtail, so we decided to head north and took for common dolphin and yellowfin tuna together. It took awhile but we found a group of dolphin and we got two fish on the trolling lures.The yellowfin boiled around on one of the stops, but we didnt’ hook any on live bait. The fish are 18-25 pounds. We are hopeful this is a sign of things to come. Tom and Jesse, the Bachelor (but not for long) Golden are posing with the yellowfin tuna that Tom landed.
Team Searcher

July 12th, 2017|Categories: Trip Reports|

Trip 5 Let’s Talk Hookup (1.5-day) Evening Report July 10

Hello all,

We finished our day with a bang. We had a group of common dolphin that had some yellowfin tuna associated with them! All 4 trolling lures got hooked up and we landed all 4 yellowfin tuna! The fish are 25 pounds each. The Houstons from Lakeside were the lucky trolling team.

A great day of fishing! Thanks to Let’s Talk Hook Up for their support in sponsoring these trips. We will return in the morning.

Team Searcher

July 11th, 2017|Categories: Trip Reports|

Trip 5 Let’s Talk Hookup Jul 9-11 (1.5-day) July 10 Report

Hello all,

We have had an action packed morning so far! We are out with our first Let’s Talk Hook Up 1.5 day trip. The weather is outstanding with calm seas. Our first kelp paddie produced good action on small yellowtail. Everyone had multiple chances to land a yellowtail and I think most everyone did.

Our next kelp produced a few dorado! Lee Muncie from Seal Beach landed a nice dorado! Long time Searcher client Dave Nearing landed a dorado as well. Crewman Ryan Lindahn gets the assist. Tom P from LTHU sports the advertising for Pete Gray.

(July 10 Afternoon Report Follows)

Plenty of action this afternoon!!! Everyone had a great time catching yellowtail with a few dorado as well. The crew did an awesome job locating kelp paddies today. Mindy Smith from Huntington Beach landed this dorado. She got some great instruction from the crew today and it paid off. Mindy used 25 pound line and a 2/0 hook with a live sardine.

sstrip5-2017mindydoradosq copy

We are looking for yellowfin tuna the rest of the day. 


Team Searcher

July 10th, 2017|Categories: Trip Reports, Uncategorized|

Trip 4 (3-day) Jul 6-9 Evening Report July 8

Hello anglers,

Another challenging day on the ocean. Fish that don’t bite was the theme this trip. We managed to land a few small yellowtail, red rock cod, and a couple of good size yellowfin tuna today. Conditions are great with warm clean water with lots of life in it. If and when some fish move into the area we fished today they will certainly stay a while. Lots of food.

Long time Searcher client Tim James from Westminister landed this nice yellowtail from one of the many kelp paddies we looked at today and yesterday. Tim and his brothers Chuck and Tom have been clients for a long time. Always great to have repeat customers annually.

Team Searcher

July 9th, 2017|Categories: Trip Reports|
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