Trip Reports

Fishing news and tackle tips!

Trip Reports

Trip 24 (1.5 day) Sep 12-14 Mid-day report

Howdy anglers: We had a great stop this morning and caught some yellowfin tuna. They average about 25 pounds. The weather is great and we’re hoping to catch some more this afternoon.

Searcher friend, Ray Diaz, shows off his nice yellowfin in our photo posted here.
Capt Aaron and the Searcher crew

Afternoon update: Less action this afternoon, though we found a really nice school that stayed with the boat and bit a little. We’re headed home to come back out on a 6-day. The weather is amazing all day.

September 13th, 2016|Categories: Trip Reports|

Trip 23 (3 day) Sep 9-12

Howdy anglers: We gave it every effort to put yellowfin tuna aboard yesterday and they wouldn’t bite anything we had to offer. There’s plenty of fish around, so we haven’t given up hope. Wish us luck!

Capt Aaron and Team Searcher

September 11th, 2016|Categories: Trip Reports|

Trip 22 (3 day) Sep 2-5 Labor Day

Hello anglers,
We’ve had steady action on 70-90 pound bluefin tuna this afternoon. We are landing some of them, but we also have lost quite a few. Our folks are a bit tired from pulling on these big fish yesterday, and so that has been a factor. But we’ve all had multiple chances to land one of these quality fish. Pretty exciting!

Mike Uyeki from Los Angeles is pictured with Capt Ryan and Chef Dan with one of the tuna he landed this trip.trip22uyeki
Team Searcher

September 5th, 2016|Categories: Trip Reports|

Trip 22 (3 day) Sep 2-5 Labor Day Special, Day 1 report

Hello anglers,

We had a slow start to our day, but at lunchtime things started to happen. Afternoons have been the best time of day for some reason. We have landed some nice-size bluefin tuna with high hopes of more fish throughout the rest of today.

James Kim from W Rolling Hills, CA is pictured with one of his 3 bluefin tuna he landed today. His method, which is obviously successfull, is to use 40-pound mono and flourocarbon, and a 1/0 circle hook with a live sardine.trip22kim

Charley and Dan served up some pork carnitas for lunch. They were awesome! Charley put the meat in the oven at 3:45 a.m. so it was really tender.

More later, Team Searcher

Hello anglers,

We had a great afternoon with lots of chances to land a 70-90 pound bluefin tuna! Just about everyone on board landed at least one tuna and our goal to make sure everyone gets a quality fish.

Matt Forbes from La Jolla, CA is pictured with a nice bluefin tuna. Matt is a good friend of one of our favorite people, Tim Turis. Thanks Tim for the referral!trip22forbes
It’s time for Thanksgiving in September at dinner! Charley’s traditional turkey dinner with chorizo stuffing, garlic mashed potatoes, salad and fresh bread. With brownies and ice cream for dessert. Nice job, Charley and Dan.
Hoping to repeat our fishing day again tomorrow.

Team Searcher

September 4th, 2016|Categories: Trip Reports|

Trip 21 (1.5 day) Aug 31-Sep 2 Turner’s Outdoorsman Open

Hello anglers:

Well, our slow morning turned around a little bit! After lunch, we started hooking and landing a few good-grade bluefin tuna. These fish are 60-90 pounds. Here is Don Gaskill from Dublin, CA with his bluefin tuna! Capt Ryan and Chef Dan lent hand.trip21dongaskill

Anglers are making good use of all the swag donated by Turner’s Outdoorsman and enjoying the company of pro-staffers Lori Sachau and Jason Rasmussen

More later, Team Searcher

Day’s end update:

Hello all,
We had a memorable afternoon today with good action on 60-90 pound bluefin tuna..Everyone had a great opportunity to land a quality tuna. Live sardine was the hot method, with 40 pound mono and flourocarbon, and a small circle hook.

Check out Lori Sachau from Turners Outdoorsman in San Marcos and her nice bluefin tuna!trip21lori (Nice ladies boots, too–thank you Xtratuf!)Thanks to Turners for all the angler swag today and the support throughout this season.
Team Searcher

September 1st, 2016|Categories: Trip Reports|
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