Aug 6 (Aug 5-9) 4-day Izorline Open with Norm and Howard
Good morning,
We arrived on scene just before midnight and struggled to find anything to stop on for awhile. But in the late hours of the morning, we got our shot. We had some good opportunites on 100# bluefin from 3 am to 5 am. When the sun came up we had a quick shot on school-grade fish.
We’re currently in a plunker on mixed-grade (30-100lbs). Calm weather, good fishing.
Captain Mike and the boys

Aug 1 (Jul 28-Aug 5) 8-day Izorline and Turner’s Outdoors Open
Good evening,
We worked up all day and made various grouper drifts throughout the day. We also scratched up some more yellowtail midday. We got up to the “13” this evening and had a little sun downer on the yoyo lures for 10-25lb yellowtail. Fun day.
We’re going to keep rolling up this evening.
Captain Mike and the boys

Jul 31 (Jul 28-Aug 5) 8-day Izorline and Turner’s Outdoors Open
Good morning,
We arrived on the “23” at about 6am this morning to an incredible sign of 18-30lb yellowfin tuna. We got the anchor down and started picking away. It didn’t take long before it was full speed, and all you want, any way you wanted to catch them!. We got our fix and were looking for something else to catch now.
Captain Mike and the boys

Smiling Teresa and her tuna
Jul 30 (Jul 28-Aug 5) 8-day Izorline and Turner’s Outdoors Open
Good afternoon,
We started at San Pablo this morning and saw pretty good sign of 10-15lb yellowtail with a few bigger ones mixed in. We had a few go-arounds on the lures and the sardines, then took off looking down the beach. We tagged a couple each but didnt want to overdo it. We’re hoping to find some bigger ones further down the beach.
Captain Mike and the boys

Fish Taco Chronicle writer Logan F shows off his yellow and the lure that got him!
Good evening,
We worked down all day and scratched a few more yellowtail here and there along with some nice dorado. We ended the day on some biting yellowfin tuna in the 15-25lb range. It was very fun fishing. We’re sliding down again and going to be on The Ridge in the morning.
Captain Mike and the boys

Turner’s Outdoorsman Lori S (San Marcos store) and her score
Jul 29 (Jul 28-Aug 5) 8-day Izorline and Turner’s Outdoors Open
Good afternoon,
We’ve been traveling the last couple days, headed south. We bumped into a large area of dorado and had a go-around for dinner fare. Nice weather rolling down. We’ll be on the beach around San Pablo tomorrow morning.
Captain Mike and the boys

Izorline pro-staffer Wendy T with a nice dorado today!
Jul 26 (Jul 23-28) 5 day Poseidon Fishing Adventures
Good afternoon,
We saw plenty of fish last night but they were hard to catch. We left around 2am to try for yellowtail again. It’s been a fun day picking away on these nice yellows with surface iron yoyo and fly line fishing. Excellent grade of fish.
We’re making a move to mix it up and try find some biting tuna.
Captain Mike and the boys

Jul 25 (Jul 23-28) 5 day Poseidon Fishing Adventures
Good evening,
We changed it up today and fished yellowtail this morning. We had some pretty good opportunity on 18-25lb yellowtail. They put on a good show splashing around the boat. They didn’t bite as well as we would have liked, but we scratched out a good morning.
After lunch time we took off in search of bluefin again. We are seeing incredible sign this evening. It looks like a good set up for tonight.
Captain Mike and the boys

Jul 24 (Jul 23-28) 5 day Poseidon Fishing Adventures
Good evening,
We saw an Incredible sign throughout the day here all day. We saw miles and miles of fish of all sizes.
We were able to drift and scratch out a few fsih throughout the day. There were some pretty good opportunities on mostly 60-80lb fish. We have brochure weather here today, and it seems like a good set up for tonight.
Captain Mike and the boys

Jul 22 (Jul 20-23) 3 day Limited load
Good morning,
We had a good morning! These 25# bluefin were biting pretty good for awhile. We managed to get one stop in before it was over.
We are enjoying the calm weather and biting fish. Been a pretty fun morning.
We’re going to try catch a few trophies this afternoon before we have to go home.
Captain Mike and the boys