Oct 25 (Oct 22-30) Ultra-limited load
Good morning,
We had some action this morning on 12-40lb yellowfin which started right when the sun came up and lasted a few hours. There was a little bit of shaking going on (to release smaller ones), but it was pretty good fishing with 1-3 fish at a time.
We picked the anchor up and are trolling around looking for wahoo now.
Captain Mike and the boys

Good evening,
We never got a shot at a wahoo in our tour today, never even saw one. We had no current at all from about 930am -4pm. We managed to scratch up a few nice grouper throughout the day along with some yellowtail.
We did get another hit on these tuna late in the day though. We had some pretty fun fishing this afternoon!
We’re going to make a move further down The Ridge to see if we can catch some skinnies tomorrow morning.
Captain Mike and the boys

Oct 24 (Oct 22-30) Ultra-limited load
Good morning,
We’ve had our blinders on the past couple days as we’ve been traveling down the beach. We’re about 15 miles from The Ridge now.
We’ve had a couple strikes on wahoo and dorado over the past 20 miles so everyone’s pretty excited. We’ll see what happens when we get there. It’s a little choppy this morning but the sun’s out and it’s warm, so it’s all good.
Captain Mike and the boys

Jerry got a wahoo!
Good evening,
We got down to The Ridge and saw some sign of 15-40# tuna. We really didn’t get a good feel for it though, so we’re hanging out tonight so we can try again tomorrow. We did get a little bit of yellowtail action here.
We’ll see what happens tonight and tomorrow. Still a little breezy
Captain Mike and the boys

Oct 20 (Oct 15-22) Ultra-limited load
Good morning,
We had good bait-making this morning. We are hoping it helps with the fishing today. We also had some fun beach fishing this morning on big calicos and 10-15lb yellowtail. Nothing wide open but we’ve been picking.
Captain Mike and the boys

Good evening,
We got a good hit this afternoon on these yelllowtail. We got a biting school and they were biting–full speed, all we wanted. Very fun and exciting.
We’re headed up trying to catch some yellowfin and dorado for our last day.
Captain Mike and the boys

Oct 19 (Oct 15-22) Ultra-limited load
Good evening,
We spent the last couple days doing a lot of driving. We finally got down to where we wanted to fish and got on some big schools of 15-18lb yellowtail. We saw a lot of them though they didn’t bite all that well.
About noon we started sliding further down the beach and got on some 10-15lb yellowtail that did want to bite. It was very fun fishing and in fact, we’re going to try for some mackerel tonight to try this again tomorrow.
Captain Mike and the boys

Oct 16 (Oct 15-22) Ultra-limited load
Good morning,
We opted to go out west for bluefin to start our trip. We arrived on scene at about 10pm to a very good sign of 100+lb bluefin all night. They did not cooperate very well. But this morning’s a different story. The schools are responding well to the bait and we’re hooking them on the fly-lined sardine and on 60# line.
We’ve had a couple good opportunities so far today and we’re looking for more.
Captain Mike and the boys

Oct 14 (Oct 8-15) Ultra-limited load
Hello anglers,
We moved northwest overnight in very choppy conditions including a lot of wind. We found a very large kelp finally but it didn’t have very much dorado associated with it. We landed a few dorado and these two lucky anglers got a nice fish off it. Dale caught his wahoo on 40# mono and a colt sniper with a small treble hook. Dennis let his shiny lure sink a little deeper and landed this 50# yellowfin. There were plenty of small tuna that we released.
We are headed home with hopes of better weather north of here.
Captain Art and Team Searcher

Oct 13 (Oct 8-15) Ultra limited load
Hello all,
We had a repeat of yesterday morning with a chance at tuna, yellowtail, dorado, and wahoo. Good action again!
We are headed north later today to try for yellowtail on the coast to finish the trip.
Captain Art and Team Searcher

Rico and his wahoo!
Oct 11 (Oct 8-15) Ultra limited load
Yesterday afternoon was dissapointing with very little sign of fish where we stopped to try. We thought we had a chance with 77-degree, blue water on the ridge. In October it’s almost a guarantee, but not this day.
We moved down to the next spot on The Ridge and started with some action this morning on yellowfin tuna up to 40 pounds and some wahoo. We released several small tuna. Here is Shane with an assist on wahoo landed using 30 pound line, a wire leader, and a live sardine. Hoping for some more action later.
Captain Art and Team Searcher

Shane helping John with his wahoo score this morning!
Hello anglers,
A great day of fishing The Ridge with action most of the day. We had variety, with a chance at wahoo, yellowfin tuna, dorado and yellowtail. You didn’t know what you were going to catch when you put a lure or a bait out there.
We are staying the night and trying for a repeat tomorrow.
Captain Art and Team Searcher

George and a nice yellowfin caught on a live sardine
Oct 9 (Oct 8-15) Ultra limited load
Hello anglers,
Today is a travel day. We are headed to The Ridge and will arrive tomorrow around lunchtime. We had a seminar this morning after breakfast as just a review, since everyone aboard has been with us before.
We will have everyone rigged up and ready to go today. Our crew is checking all gear to make sure anglers are ready. Shane is adjusting the drag on an outfit which is one of the keys to success. Having the correct drag setting for the line class you have is very important.
Capt Art and Team Searcher