Trip 42 – Matt Boone Charter – Sept. 22-26
Good evening,
Searcher drove out Sunday morning on Matt Boone’s 4-day charter, September 22nd – 26th. Yesterday we headed down the Baja coast to target yellowtail. We had solid action on mixed-grade yellowtail until mid-afternoon when we left to return to the bluefin grounds.
Captain Mike and The Boys

Trip 41, 3-Day Limited Load Sunday Report
Good afternoon,
Good signs again today. Most of the fish we saw were 60-90 lbs, but they were tough to hook. We managed to pick off a few throughout the day and had a sundowner bite on 30-40 lb fish. There’s plenty of fish around, but they haven’t cooperated much over the past couple of days.
Captain Mike and The Boys

Trip 41, 3-Day Limited Load, Sept. 19-22
Good afternoon,
Searcher drove out Thursday morning on a 3-day limited load. Friday, there were some good schools around, but it was really tough to get a bite. However, today we’re starting to see signs of bigger fish, and hopefully, we’ll get a shot soon.”
Captain Mike and The Boys

Trip 40, Rich Denio Charter, Sept. 16-19
Good morning,
We set out Monday on the Rich Denio 3-day charter with Knee Deep Brewing Company. The last couple of days were spent on the bank, battling choppy weather on both Monday and Tuesday. We had several chances in the mornings, but afternoons were slow with a few picks. After camping out on Tuesday night, we had similar opportunities the next morning. Fortunately, Wednesday brought better weather, allowing us to explore more. Later that afternoon, we encountered some larger fish, with a promising sign of 60-100 pounders. Although we had a few bites, none made it to the boat. By late Wednesday evening, time ran out, and we had to head back.
Captain Mike and The Boys

Trip 36, Sept 4-6, 2024
Good evening,
Searcher set out early Friday morning on the Penn Reel-sponsored trip. We arrived on the scene around 8:30 PM last night and managed to catch a few fish throughout the night, with weights ranging from 40 to 60 pounds, before moving to the daytime fishing area. Today, we’ve had a steady pick of 18 to 30-pound fish using fly-lined baits in nice weather. We’re preparing to pull anchor and head back to the night zone for this evening’s fishing.
Captain Mike and The Boys
Trip 35! September 2-4, 2024
Good afternoon,
Searcher drove out Labor Day morning on trip #35, 2-day offshore, September 2-4, 2024. Last night we had a couple good opportunities on 80-200+ pound fish. Today, we’re on the anchor in beautiful weather, scratching away at 20-80lbers with a few big yellowtails mixed in.
Captain Mike and The Boys

Trip 32 – Aug 25-28 Updates
Good evening,
Monday was an epic day here at the bank. We’ve had nice weather and good fishing. Made two stops that paid off. Had good action on 20-40lb bluefin. Today, we kept the momentum going at the bank and rounded out our trip catching our limit of bluefin, along with a few yellows, a seabass, and some more variety for good measure.
We’re headed back. It’s been a trip to remember!
Captain Mike and The Boys
Trip 32 – Aug 25-28
Good afternoon,
Searcher left Sunday morning on trip #32, 3-day offshore. Last night while driving out we ran into some 40-80lb bluefin tuna and they acted right. Landed a few good opportunities before midnight.
Captain Mike and The Boys

Trip 31 – Limited Load – Aug 22-25
Good morning,
Searcher is returning Sunday morning from our 3-day limited load. Friday, we experienced steady fishing on one of the offshore banks after our bumpy ride out. Fly lined baits worked the best as we plunked away on 15–50-pound tuna throughout the day. Saturday, we woke up too much slower fishing and decided to make a couple hour move. Our move paid off and we were able to pick up where we left off Friday on the same grade of tuna with a nice plunk on 14–25-pound yellowtail as well.
Gear used: Fly line 30-pound and 40-pound, 50-pound yo-yo setup and an 80-pound dropper loop setup.
Captain Mike and The Boys