Nov 13 (8-Day Trip) Ridge Special
Good morning anglers,
We got to the rocks around 7:15 this morning and slid right into our first stop. We’ve had steady action all morning on the wahoo, and they’re starting to add up! Hoping this holds up all day here.
Captain Mike and the boys

Good evening anglers,
We had a nice afternoon scratching at the wahoo here. It did get progressively harder as the day went on to catch them and get bites, but we still managed to catch a few throughout the day. We’re rolling up now with beautiful weather.All in all, a great way to end the trip.
Thanks to everyone who came fishing with us this season, it has been a great year! See you in the spring.
Captain Mike and the boys
Nov 12 (8-Day Trip) Ridge Special
Good morning anglers,
We had a good shot at the yellowtail this morning in the dark, bite time was 4am until sun up on 10-15 lbers. It was full speed! There were some tuna mixed in as well, ranging 15-30 lbs. We made a move when the sun came up and got on a nice school of yellowfin, straight 35-45 lb fish, and they were in the corner. We got our fix, finishing up, lunch, and headed west toward the rocks to hunt for a dorado/wahoo kelp.
Captain Mike and the boys

Good evening anglers,
Pretty epic kelping this afternoon. Endless 15-25lb dorado and some big wahoo. The guys got their fix on the dorado then we had a few kelps with some 40-70lb wahoo on them right before the sun went down. We’re on course for alijos at the moment be there in the morning to finish up what turned out to be a great trip to finish up the season!
Captain Mike and the boys

Nov 11 (8-Day Trip) Ridge Special
Good morning anglers,
We had very successful tuna fishing this morning on 20-40lb yellowfin until about 10:30. For the couple of hours that we had action there were 2-7 going the whole time! Very minimal skip jack and small tuna involved. We’re hoping for more of the same this afternoon. More later!
Captain Mike and the boys

Good evening anglers,
It’s slowed down for us this afternoon. The current went slack, then backwards, and there were skip jack everywhere. We were able to scrape up some more tuna, however, and had one wahoo strike. We’re camping out for now and hoping for a shooter in the morning!
Captain Mike and the boys

Nov 10 (8-Day Trip) Ridge Special
Good morning anglers,
Pretty windy here today. Traveling down 18-22 knots and it’s been slow-going with this uphill current. We have, however, been getting some noteworthy strikes today on big wahoo traveling down to keep us interested. We’re about an hour out from the ridge, and will report back later!
Captain Mike and the boys

Allen and Craig are looking pretty stoked with their morning scores!
Good afternoon anglers,
We picked up some more skin on the way down here this afternoon. We got stopped short on a dorado kelp with all the dorado you could ever want, ranging 6-20 lbs! We tagged a few and saved a few more for the galley. We got to the upper end of the ridge here at around 3pm, looked around a bit, and saw some fish to put the anchor down. Immediately we started picking up mixed grade 12-35lbs. Although we got a sample, the skip jack got on us and even when we tried moving we weren’t able to get reestablished. We’ll see what happens tonight and tomorrow!
Captain Mike and the boys

Rusty and EZ proudly displaying some skin.
Nov 5 (8-Day Trip) Ridge Special
Good evening anglers,
We ran up the beach last night to look for yellowtail. We looked at some beautiful water all day and we scratched a few throughout the day and saw sign but it was not as productive as we would have liked. The bonito and skip jack were relentless. We’re running up again tonight to see what else we can do on the beach tomorrow.
Captain Mike and the boys

Nov 3 (8-Day Trip) Ridge Special
Good morning anglers,
Verrrry good tuna fishing again this morning! They started biting in the dark and we scratched all morning until we pretty much got our fix. The grade is 15-40lbs. Incredibly fun fishing on the yoyo jigs when we were in the dark and then on the fly lined baits after the sun came up. We pulled the anchor just before lunch to see if we could strike up some wahoo this afternoon.
Captain Mike and the boys,

Michael and Shane showing the yellowfin who is in charge.
Good evening anglers,
We made a move down the Ridge. No sign of wahoo down here at the bottom end of things, but the water looks better. So we’re hopeful for tomorrow.
We did see some dorado and tuna down here as well.
Captain Mike and the boys

Nice tuna for Bill on the Ridge!
Nov 2 (8-Day Trip) Ultra-limited load to the Ridge
Good evening anglers,
We’ve been traveling for the last two days and we finally got to the Ridge around 1:45. We did saw sign of dorado above the Ridge and had one wahoo strike mid-morning that fell off. When we got here we saw a school of tuna right away. We came tight and started catching right away as well. It’s a beautiful grade of fish. There are some 15-20lbers but most of them are 25-40lbs and they’re biting! We are still catching fish into the dark.
Good fishing this afternoon, so we’re camping out for the night.
Captain Mike and the boys

Nice one for Garrick!
Oct 30 (8-Day Trip) Ultra-limited load to Guadalupe Island
Good morning anglers,
No sign of yellowtail this morning. We saw off-color water and off conditions, so we grabbed some lunch and are breaking gear down and cleaning up.
Captain Mike and the boys

Oct 29 (8-Day Trip) Ultra-limited load to Guadalupe Island
Good morning anglers,
We made a 120 mile move last night and found some good water in the dark. We started seeing school-grade yellowfin as soon as the sun came up and we’ve been striking them up all morning now.
We’re catching them on dolphin, sonar schools and blind jig strikes. We are fly lining sardines and getting them on the mega baits and colt snipers. Lots of action this morning, lots of bites, lots of fun and nice weather.
CAptain Mike and the boys

Good evening anglers,
We stayed steady on the school-grade yellowfin today. We were still getting strikes as the sun was setting. It was all-day action with a lot of stopping and going, and getting lots of bites.
We’re going to move up another 60 miles and fish the morning before wrapping up the trip and heading back to Ensenada.
Captain Mike and the boys