Oct 14 (7-Day Trip) Ultra-limited load to Guadalupe Island
Good morning anglers,
We got a little reprieve in the weather today so we took the opportunity to go around the back side of the island. We had an opportunity on the 40-50lb yellowtail. They were splashing around the boat and we managed to boat a few. The current backed off but were seeing some sign of these 100lb yellowfin right now. Hoping for a big afternoon.
Captain Mike and the boys

Good evening anglers,
We went looking down the island today and got on a school of tuna associated with some dolphin and had a little window. They seemed a bit off and were hard to hook, but we managed to land a few 50-90lbers. They stayed with the boat for a while but we stopped hooking them, so we kept going down the island and had a little sundowner on 20-30lb yellows and 90lb tunas. All and all a nice day, and a good note to end on.
Captain Mike and the boys

Oct 13 (7-Day Trip) Ultra-limited load to Guadalupe Island
Good morning anglers,
Its a different day here as it always is at this island. We saw some sign of yellowtail and tuna this morning but not the quantity we saw yesterday. We started hooking tuna right away, but never hooked a yellowtail this morning. We gave it until lunch time and now we’re going to go look around this afternoon.
Captain Mike and the boys

A birthday tuna for Mark S!
Good afternoon anglers,
We finally got on some biting fish this evening and had a little opportunity right when the sun went down. The 30lb yellowtail and 90lb tuna were biting a bit for the last hour of daylight right until the sun went down. We put the mackeral we made last night to good use. We’re going to try make some more tonight and try again tomorrow.
Captain Mike and the boys

Oct 12 (7-Day Trip) Ultra-limited load to Guadalupe Island
Good morning anglers,
We decided to start in a more protected area of the island today. We saw fair sign of 40-60lb yellowfin and 15-25lb yellowtail here this morning so we kicked it over. The wind came up shortly after and we have 25-30knots again right now. The fish didn’t seem to mind though, so we started picking at the yellowfin and yellowtail. Then just before lunch time the yellows started hitting! Every bait in the water for about a hour was bit which attributed to fun fishing! They’re still biting right now into the afternoon so I gotta go, Anglers!
Captain Mike and the boys

Mr. Gardner got quite the bite this morning!
Good evening anglers,
Our yellowtail bite died off around 2 p.m. though we scratched up some tuna for the rest of the day. It was a pretty good sign but as the day went on, it got harder to get a bite. We still caught fish right up until dark. We’re going to try for bait and try here again in the morning.
Captain Mike and the boys

Fishing buddies, Ron and Dennis, got a couple of tuna to bite
Oct 11 (7-Day Trip) Ultra-limited load to Guadalupe Island
Good morning anglers,
We are seeing some sign of these 80-120lbers here and scratching a few. Pretty tough going at the moment, but we are getting some bites. Very difficult conditions with 30 knots and no current. We’re gathering some trophies up, however, so we’re going to keep at it.
Captain Mike and the boys.

Paul and Dale scored! (And have a photo-bombing “Monkey in the middle”)
The wind conditions only got worse as the day went on, but we were still able to keep scratching throughout the day on 80-120lb yellowfin. The go-to set up was fly-lined sardine on 80lb. It was very difficult to keep track of bait and get them out away from the boat so some guys fished 60lb with some success as well. We moved up the island to get some shelter for the night and were going to try make bait in the morning and see what the day brings.
Captain Mike and the boys

Ron made the most of this windy day with this beaut!
Oct 7 (6-Day Trip) Ultra-limited load to Guadalupe Island
Good morning anglers,
We had a little shot at the big yellows again this morning. It was short-lived and now we just watch these 100lb tuna boil around right next to the boat. We have hooked a handful but haven’t managed to get any on the boat yet due to tackle failure and a large shark that has been under the boat all morning. We’re going to go look at another part of the island for the rest of the day.
Captain Mike and the boys

These anglers are all tall (so those are big yellows)!
Good evening anglers,
We went looking this afternoon after a slow morning and scored big time. We went up the island and had a sonar school of 75-110lb yellowfin on the edge. We hooked a couple right away then it backed off and we were about to leave it and we hooked another one and then we slowly picked up momentum until it was in the corner biting 80lb. We drifted until the sun went down. Great way to end the trip.
Captain Mike and the boys

Oct 6 (6-Day Trip) Ultra-limited load to Guadalupe Island
Good morning anglers,
We’ve had some good opportunities today on 30-50lb yellowtail and 90-100lb tuna. They were biting a little this morning and boiling all around the boat. It’s backed off to hooking one every now and then, but the current’s starting to run so we’re hanging in there for the afternoon shooter.
Captain Mike and the boys

Eric G. and his score!
Good evening anglers,
We had some opportunity here today with a pretty good sign of BIG fish. Everything we are catching here is large. Bill had the biggest tuna of the day at 117# and Paul had the fish of the trip so far a 58#yellowtail. It’s a pretty cool sight to see them boiling around the boat like they were all day.
There were some lulls but and it was tough to get a bite at times, but we managed to boat some trophies. Going to try for bait again tonight or in the morning and then see if we can gather up some more.
Captain Mike and the boys

Paul is 6’5″ and this yellow weighs 58#!
Oct 5 (6-Day Trip) Ultra-limited load to Guadalupe Island
Good morning anglers,
We made some good bait last night and had some pretty good opportunity this morning on 50-100lb yellowfin and 30-45lb yellowtail. We did not land a whole lot, but the ones we did land were nice ones. We also had got flashed by 14-18lb dorado and had a quick hit on them as well.
Captain Mike and the boys

Richard and Ken sharing a good hit on yellowtail
Good evening anglers,
We had a nice afternoon and an evening shot here on the 35-50lb yellowtail and 90-100lb yellowfin. It was pretty tough to get a bite for a while then right before the sun went down, the yellowtail started snapping. Heavy casualties here because of the grade of fish, but we managed some trophies. We’re going to try make some bait and try again tomorrow.
Captain Mike and the boys

Paul with a trophy!
Oct 4 (6-Day Trip) Ultra Limited-load to Guadalupe Island
Good evening anglers,
We got to the island today around 1:30 and saw very good sign of yellowtail and yellowfin. We put the anchor down around 2 and the tuna started boiling around right away. We hooked a few of these big yellowtail but only managed one at about 40lbs and a couple handful of mixed-grade yellowfin 30-80lbs. We like what we see and are going to try it again in the morning.
Captain Mike and the boys

Long-time Searcher family member, Bill Z, gets back to Guadalupe!
OCT 1 (7-Day Trip) Seeker Trip to Guadalupe Island
Beautiful weather here today! We’re seeing some sign of these big yellowtail here on the other side of the island as well as mixed grade yellowfin, 30-100lbs. We’ve caught a few including a pair of 50lbers We’re going spot-to-spot seeing what we can come up with and we’re coming up with some trophies. These fish are big and mean so naturally there’s a high casualty rate.
Captain Mike and the boys

A trophy won by David!
Good evening anglers,
We circumnavigated the island today and caught something at every spot we hit. At about 5:30, we pulled up to our last spot and started marking 100lb yellowfin and 30-40lb yellowtail. We spun a circle and the tuna boiled up right away, so we put the anchor down. We never hooked a tuna but the yellowtail started biting right away and bit until the sun went down. They were biting the yoyo jigs, the dropper loop mackerel, and the fly lined mackerel as well. The full size mint Salas 7x heavys that Fred gave everyone were the hot lure here this evening.
Captain Mike and the boys

Kenny and Ernie with their island slugs