Aug 10 (4-day trip) sponsored by Izorline, Calstar and Tady
Good morning anglers,
We have been picking at the yellowtail this morning. Not red hot action, but we are scratching away. Surface iron yo yo lures and fly lined baits today. Beautiful grade of fish again here.
We would like to thank the sponsors for this trip: Tady Lures, Calstar Rods and Izorline. Giveaways and jackpot prizes add to the fun and excitement!
Captain Mike and the boys
Aug 9 (4-day trip) sponsored by Izorline, Calstar and Tady
Good morning anglers,
We made a move last night to break the trip up a little and try for some yellowtail. They started biting at about 630am this morning and bit until about 11 am. Beatuful grade here 20-30lbs a few bigger a few smaller. The heavy yo yo jigs were working the best. Here’s Izorline prostaffer Howard with a slob he caught on the yoyo.
We would like to thank the sponsors for this trip: Tady Lures, Calstar Rods and Izorline. Giveaways and jackpot prizes add to the fun and excitement!
Captain Mike and the boys
Aug 8 (4-day trip) with Izorline
Good morning anglers,
We had some pretty good action from midnight until sun up on the flat falls last night fishing for 25-50lb bluefin and yellowfin mix. Lots of stopping and going, and lots of bites.
We got on a school just after the sun came up and had a very good opportunities. It’s light line plunker fishing on the same fish. Best set up is 25lb line, though we’ve had lots of losses. We’re working on catching some up this morning
Captain Mike and the boys

Good evening anglers,
We had a long afternoon of bluefin that wouldn’t bite. But we tied into a spot around 3:30 and have been drifting for 4 hours. There’s been 1-4 fish hooked and so we are plunking away. The grade is about 25-50lbs. Fun evening!
We’re going to break the trip up a bit and try catch some yellowtail tomorrow.
Captain Mike and the boys

Aug 5 (7-day trip) Isla Guadalupe
Good evening anglers,
We scratched up a few of these big yellowfin and some nice yellowtail this morning. It was a pretty mellow day with most of the anglers hanging out and enjoying the scenery. Everyone has pretty much all the fish they want. Another great day at the island!
Captain Mike and the boys
Aug 4 (7-day trip) Isla Guadalupe
Good morning anglers,
We had a bit of a slow morning. We didn’t get established well, and just picked a few big yellowfin and a few nice big yellowtail.
So we decided to make a move up the island and we ran into a large school of these Guadalup- grade yellowtail and they’re biting right now! Heavy line on the mackeral seems to work the best right now. Gotta go!
Captain Mike and the boys
Good evening anglers,
We had another epic day! The afternoon really ramped up after lunch and these Guadalupe-grade yellowtail were biting pretty good. The yo yo lures, dropper loops and flylined sardines worked, but the flylined spanish mackerel seemed to be the hot bait again.
Later in the afternoon the tuna started to get on us and we started picking on 50-110lb yellowfin. Pretty phenomenal day! We’re going to try make bait again tonight.
Captain Mike and the boys

The process and the result
Aug 3 (7-day trip) Isla Guadalupe
Good morning anglers,
Classic Guadalupe-style fishing today. We were steadily picking up pace all morning on 70-130lb yellowfin. We’ve been relatively busy during lunch time as well!. The sharks have backed off a bit today compared to yesterday. Flurry-style fishing on 80lb, so we’re capitalizing on our opportunities today to make the best of our inconsistent conditions. Gotta go!
Captain Mike and the boys

Here's Dale with a 120lber!
Good afternoon anglers:
We had a pretty good shooter here this afternoon. These 70-140+lbers were biting well after lunch. It shut down around 4pm, but for a few hours we had some good action. The hot bait was the spanish mackeral we made last night on fly lined 80lb. We had a lot fewer casualties today because of that.
We saw some good sign of yellowtail this evening so we're going to give it a shot tonight after making some bait.
Pictured is Wendy T, pro-staffer from Izorline, and Rob with his 145# tuna from today.
Captain Mike and the boys
Aug 2 (7-day trip) Isla Guadalupe
Good morning anglers,
We have been scratching at the 20-35lb yellowtail and the 70-110lb yellowfin this morning. Quite a bit of it is boiling around, but it’s pretty tough to get a bite this morning. We are, however, seeing plenty of sign. We tried to catch some yellowtail last night and we caught one noteworthy yellowtail.
Captain Mike and the Boys

Here’s Mark with a Guadalupe-grade yellowtail, 48lbs!
Good evening anglers,
We had some pretty good action this afternoon on this 70-110lb yellowfin tuna. We made a short move up the island and found some better biting fish. We had some good action around lunch time and right after lunch. It tapered off around 3 p.m., but we were still able to pick. We’re going to top up our bait supply tonight and try again in the morning.
Captain Mike and the boys

Tammy and her 100+lber!
Aug 1 (7-day trip) Isla Guadalupe
Good evening anglers,
We arrived on scene with our annual Turner’s Outdoorsman and Izorline sponsored 7-day trip and got situated around 4pm. We see good sign of 25-35lb yellowtail and 80-100lb yellowfin. There’s a lack of condition (no current) this afternoon where we put the anchor down which made for tough fishing, but we scratched up some quality fish. Anglers fishing the lighter line did not fare well, but the anglers fishing the heavier line landed a few. The sharks are around and gettting a few but it’s not horrendous. A 60lb outfit seemed to be the key to getting bit and landing one of these beauties.
Captain Mike and the boys

Bob B got a nice one late in the day
Jul 29 (Extended 1.5 day trip)
Good afternoon anglers,
We decided to try our hand at this local bluefin. It hasn’t been biting well lately. As advertised, it was very good sign of the fish but very hard to get a bite. Lots of foamers of 40-70lb fish.
We managed to get a few bites on the colt snipers and the poppers on the foamers. Unfortunately, we went 0 for our first 10 or so on bites. We got a shot at a sundowner thought and managed to land our last three fish. They were hooked before the sun went down and landed in the dark. They’re all about 50-60lbs.
Going kelping tomorrow,
Captain Mike and the boys

Good evening anglers,
We had a tough day finding kelps. It was a bit choppy and the lighting was poor . We did find a few kelps this afternoon and were able to scratch up some yellowtail along with a dorado.
We saw some yellowfin and bluefin today and had a small window of opportunity, but didn’t land any.
Captain Mike and the boys