August 8-10 (Extended 1.5 day) trip
Good afternoon anglers,
We headed out yesterday morning for an extended 1.5 day trip. Once we loaded our bait, we were on our way to the local fishing grounds. We found some great looking water, but unfortunately there was little sign of fish, so we decided to make a move. We traveled south throughout the night and woke up to some great weather and good water. At around 9 a.m. Bryce spotted a nice kelp. Once we pulled up to the kelp, the yellowtail and dorado started biting. Brothers Ryder and Hayden (pictured below) worked together to land their very first yellowtail, and it was a nice one. Greg also caught a great yellow with the assist from Justin. Everyone on board is enjoying a great lunch from Mike and Dan, and we are on the hunt for more fish.
Captain Armando and the Searcher

Greg got a nice local yellowtail on a kelp patty!
Good evening anglers,
After our good start on a kelp in the morning, we began to travel. We were pretty far down south so we began to move up to the north. There was a pretty good stretch of cold dirty water that we had to power through. The really great thing about these extended 1.5 day trips is that it allows us to cover so much ground. As soon as the water began to clean up it also started to rise in temperature and we knew we were back in a good zone. We began to see a lot of bird life which is always a great sign. We got on a great line of kelp patties that were loaded with dorado and yellowtail. The fish were a bit line shy, but we managed to put together a very fun afternoon. We are just wrapping up dinner and are on our way home. We had a very fun and exciting day with some amazing passengers.
Captain Armando and the Searcher

This great dorado was landed a live sardine and Bryce came in with a great gaff shot.
Trip #11: August 1-8 (7 day) Izorline and Turner’s Outdoorsman
Hello anglers,
After a long ride up from The Ridge, we stopped to fish the coast for awhile. We had some action on yellowtail in the 15-25 pound range. Live sardine and 30 pound test was the most successful method. It was great to have a little action to finish the trip.
Headed north and docking Saturday morning.
Captain Art and Team Searcher

Captain Ryan and long-time Searcher family Willy L show off a nice yellowtail
Trip #11: August 1-8 (7 day) Izorline and Turner’s Outdoorsman
Hello anglers,
We ended our stay on The Ridge after some action this morning on yellowtail, yellowfin tuna and some bottom fish. Everyone had fun with a chance at variety of fish and different fishing methods.
Many are using a dropper loop set up: 80 pound line, a sixteen ounce torpedo sinker, and a 5/0 J hook with a nose-hooked live sardine. Just go to the bottom and wait for a bite! It’s important to have a snug drag to get that first 20-30 feet of line in, so you get the fish off the bottom. The yellowfin were caught using a live sardine , a 2/0 J hook and 30 pound line. Flyline a bait out to get a bite.
We are headed north today and tonight to try the coast for some more yellowtail to finish the trip.
Captain Art and Team Searcher

Judy and Capt Art with a nice yellowtail landed using a dropper loop
Trip #11: August 1-8 (7 day) Izorline and Turner’s Outdoorsman
Hello anglers,
We have had steady action this morning with a few yellowtail before sunrise and a few yellowfin tuna as well. We relocated and found a school of yellowtail that kept us busy so everyone had a chance to tag a few.
We trolled around a little to try and get the people who hadn’t landed a wahoo yet a chance. Lori, Saltwater Tackle Manager at the Turners in San Marcos, landed a wahoo!
Hoping we can stay busy today and we are off to a good start!
Captain Art and Team Searcher
Tune in for all the latest tackle tips on our YouTube channel!

Trip sponsors Lori (Turners San Marcos) and Wendy (Izorline) put their knowledge into practice!
Hello anglers,
We had steady action this afternoon on 10-20 pound yellowfin tuna. We landed a couple more wahoo also. There was lots of action and people are approaching their limits of tuna. We are spending one more night here on The Ridge and we will focus on wahoo and yellowtail tomorrow. Then we will start heading north tomorrow afternoon. Lots of happy anglers!
Captain Art and Team Searcher
Tune in for all the latest tackle tips on our YouTube channel!

Trip sponsors Lori (Turners San Marcos) and Wendy (Izorline) are joined by Dave S for a Ridge photo
Trip #11: August 1-8 (7 day) Izorline and Turner’s Outdoorsman
Hello anglers,
We arrived on The Ridge this afternoon to nice conditions and 73 degree blue water. We trolled around for wahoo and had a few fish on the troll, as well as casting lures and live bait. Almost everyone caught a wahoo this afternoon, and that was our goal when leaving the dock. We hope to accomplish that goal tomorrow. We also had some good tuna fishing late in the day before sunset. The average tuna was 15 pounds with a few smaller and a few in the 20 pound range. We released a lot of small ones today and just kept the ones big enough to keep. Hoping for a repeat tomorrow.
Captain Art and Team Searcher
Get wahoo ready here: Must-haves for Wahoo

Searcher family member, Anne, got her wahoo on the troll.
Trip #11: August 1-8 (7 day) Izorline and Turner’s Outdoorsman
Hello anglers!
We travelled today on our way to The Ridge. We held tackle seminars outside, splitting the group so half were in the bow and half were in the stern. The crew covered all the necessary tips for fishing at The Ridge, everything from wahoo to fishing the bottom for yellowtail. Then they spent a few hours making sure everyone has the right set-ups. We are enjoying great weather and we will arrive Monday after lunch.
Many thanks to Lori S and Wendy T for their excellent sponsorship, expertise, giveaways and handmade masks!
- Get yourself ready for wahoo this fall and review some tackle tip videos:
- Wahoo lures
- Wahoo fishing tips
Captain Art and Team Searcher
- Gear is loaded
- Someone has been waiting a long time for this trip!
- Lines away, ready for fish
Extended 1.5 day: July 30-Aug 1
Good evening anglers,
We are on our way back to San Diego after wrapping up our extended 1.5 day trip. Throughout the morning and early afternoon the fish were not cooperating. We saw a lot of good signs with bird schools all over with fish boiling beneath them. However they were very difficult to hook. We had quite a few stops with some decent reaction and a few bites. As the day went on we remained positive and finally got our shot. We found a large school underneath a large spot of terns and the bite was on. We were able to pick up some nice bluefin and some nice grade yellowfin. We had a great time with some amazing passengers.
Captain Armando and the Searcher
Review our tackle tips and subscribe to our YouTube channel here: See Searcher Sportfishing on YouTube

Ed caught this nice yellowfin from a large mixed school of fish under birds.
Extended 1.5 day: July 30-Aug 1
Good Evening anglers,
We departed this morning for our extended one and a half day trip. After departing the bait receiver we had a quick run to the local bluefin grounds. Once we arrived on scene we began to see the bird schools and foamers. With only a few hours to fish, we managed to land 20 very nice bluefin tuna. The majority of our bites came on the fly line sardine on a 25 or 30 pound test setup. We have an entire day in this zone tomorrow and are very excited to put some more fish on the deck.
Captain Armando and The Searcher Crew
Check out Capt Armando’s very own tackle tip video on sinker rig set-ups: Sinker Rig tips

Congratulations to Sabrina from Minnesota on her first ocean fishing trip and her very first bluefin!
Trip #10: July 26-30 (4 day)
Hello anglers:
We are in a different area today and there is a tremendous amount of bluefin tuna here. The fish are mostly 30-80 pounds with some 100 pound fish seen. We are catching a few fish in nice weather and having some fun.
Best methods today: flyline sardine and live sardine (nose-hooked) on a sinker rig. Hoping for more this afternoon.
Here is the Jackpot fish so far!
Captain Art and Team Searcher
Review our tackle tips and subscribe to our YouTube channel here: See Searcher Sportfishing on YouTube

Here is the Jackpot fish so far! Caught with 30 pound Izorline, a 2/0 circle hook. and a flyline sardine.
Hello anglers,
Once again we have seen tremendous signs of bluefin tuna. This morning we had decent fishing with plenty of opportunities. The best method was to use 30# line and a live sardine. In the afternoon there were big schools on the surface with not too many bites. We did mange to land two fish in the 130# range.There were other chances using a flying fish on the kite and a couple of 80# fish on flat fall lures.
Captain Art and Team Searcher
Review our tackle tips and subscribe to our YouTube channel here: See Searcher Sportfishing on YouTube

Jeremy landed this beauty on a flat fall lure