Trip #10: July 26-30 (4 day)
Hello anglers:
We saw a tremendous amount of fish today. We had some chances! There was a good sign of fish 70-90 pounds in this area. We will spend the night and try again tomorrow.
Best methods today: 80 pound test flyline sardine and live sardine (nose-hooked) on an 10 ounce sinker.
Captain Art and Team Searcher
Review our tackle tips and subscribe to our YouTube channel here: See Searcher Sportfishing on YouTube
Trip #10: July 26-30 (4 day)
Hello anglers,
It was a very different day today with good sign of fish before daylight and then very little after the sun came up. We saw and caught a few fish after lunch and then we had to wait until 5 pm to finally get a stop. We had a little action right before sunset to save the day.
We are relocating to a little different area for tomorrow further west. Wish us luck!
Captain Art and Team Searcher

Crewmember Bryce and a lucky angler with a nice bluefin
Trip #10: July 26-30 (4 day)
Hello anglers:
We started our trip with Norm F. from Izorline International with everyone receiving free shirts and goodie bags with line, lures, fishing supplies and more. Many thanks to Norm for his fun sponsorship. We got started fishing right away with a stop for some 25-40 pound bluefin tuna. We drifted for three hours and had fish around us the whole time. Hoping for more tomorrow as we are staying in the same zone.
Captain Art and Team Searcher
Review our tackle tips and subscribe to our YouTube channel here: See Searcher Sportfishing on YouTube

Ken shows off a nice bluefin landed with 30 pound Izorline, a 2/0 circle hook. and a flyline sardine.
Trip #6: July 23-26 (3 day)
Good morning anglers,
We have been looking at large schools of bluefin and yellowfin today. They are still in a funky mood and not sure what they want to bite. We have gotten a few bites but have not landed one. We did have some good action on the yellowtail on kelps which was a really fun break from the tuna fishing.
Captain Mike and the boys

Tommy and his first yellowtail ever
Good evening anglers,
We looked at tuna all afternoon and got very few bites. We caught one for our day and it was a big one. These bluefin and yellowfin tuna in this zone are in a non-biting mode at the moment. We’re hoping it will change in the next few days.
Captain Mike and the boys

Robert and his 70# bluefin, caught on a flylined sardine on 60# test.
Trip #6: July 23-26 (3 day)
Good morning anglers,
We woke up to very good sign of 50-80lb bluefin around the boat. We managed to get one on the flat fall at about 5am this morning. Since then we’ve been able to scratch up some more smaller bluefin and yellowfin, as well as yellowtail on kelps. Overall, it’s been very tough to get a bite today. We’ll check back later.
Captain Mike and the boys

Doug and his 70lb bluefin tuna
Good evening anglers,
We had some scratchy fishing this afternoon on kelp patties. And we ran into these big bluefin again this afternoon and had a few opportunities. We hooked a few and only landed two. These fish are very tough to get a bite on. One of them was landed on an old Penn Baja special. Both were caught on the flat falls.
Captain Mike and the boys

This is what a large school of big bluefin looks like under the boat: 40 fathoms of fish. Quite impressive!
And when we’re lucky, we land one of them.

Trip #6: July 23-26 (3 day)
Good evening anglers,
We left on a 3-day trip today with a beautiful load of bait. We pointed for the local bluefin/yellowfin zone. We scratched up some yellowfin tuna off various breezers and foamers. We slid down a few miles to where the bluefin were. We stopped on a few sonar schools that did not bite. But about 7 p.m. we ran into a large foamer of 100-150+ pounders. We hooked two but on the wrong tackle, and lost both of them at gaff. We’ll try again tomorrow.
Captain Mike and the boys

Bruce and one of his two yellowfin caught on a flylined sardine.
Trip #5: July 19-22 (3 day) Private Charter
Good evening anglers,
We got a little taste of tuna this afternoon. We joined the fleet where they were biting, and were able to scrape up a couple bluefin and a yellowfin. We saw plenty of fish, including in foamers, breezers, bird schools and large flat spots, but most fish weren’t hungry. The bluefin were caught on the flylined baits and the yellowfin on the sinker rig. We’re going to try a new area tomorrow.
Captain Mike and the boys

Stephen with a beauty of a yellowfin!
Trip #4 July 16-19 (3 day) Poseidon Fishing Adventures
Good afternoon anglers,
We’ve been busy pulling on these big bluefin this morning, hence the late report. We’ve been in them all day and hooking them on the kite, flat falls and the sinker rigs. The sinker rigs has been the most effective. We currently have another heavy fish hanging. We’ll check back in a bit.
Captain Mike and the boys

Chuck with a 150# caught on a sinker rig on 80 pound test
Good evening anglers,
We were able to stay on these big bluefin all day and pick up a few more late. We had a foamer late in the evening where we hooked 5 or so on the Colt snipers and a couple on the sinker rig. It was an incredible sight to see!
Captain Mike and the boys

The fish that may take first place in jackpot!
Trip #4 July 16-19 (3 day) Poseidon Fishing Adventures
Good evening anglers,
No morning report today because we had a very tough morning on bluefin that just wouldn’t bite. We made a 20 mile move and it paid off. We were rewarded with an impressive showing of 150lb bluefin! We got here late and managed to boat a handful of fish.
We were getting bit on the sinker rig, Colt snipers and the frozen flyers on the kite. We will be right here in the morning. Wish us luck!
Captain Mike and the boys
Check here for tips on bluefin lures: Tackle Tip for Bluefin lures

Carl and his 134lb bluefin caught on the sinker rig