Trip Reports

Fishing news and tackle tips!

Trip Reports

Trip report- PFMC Charter (June 26)

Hello anglers,

We started our 1.5 day trip last night  we found a big school of tuna in the dark. We had a few people start out with flat fall lures . We hooked our first fish and it was a 75 pound bluefin tuna. We had 7 hook ups and we landed 3 bluefin all about 75 pounds. Here is Kirk G. with a 74.8 pound bluefin. After daylight we had a few fish stay around but did not bite. We changed things up and tried for yellowtail in kelp paddies until lunch time with very little success. We landed 4 yellowtail in the 12 pound range. We are back in the tuna zone hoping for some action this afternoon.

~Captain Art and Team Searcher

June 26th, 2019|Categories: Trip Reports|

Trip 1-Accurate (June 22)

Hello anglers,
We saw a tremendous amount of tuna today and it was an impressive sight. We stopped multiple times and had opportunities to catch bluefin tuna up to 85 pounds. We drifted for 4 hours in a school of fish and had several chances. We ended up with 14 bluefin and three yellowfin for our efforts.
Looking forward to returning to the area on Wednesday.

Capt Art and Team Searcher

June 24th, 2019|Categories: Trip Reports|

Trip 1 – Accurate (June 21)

Hello anglers,

We had some action on 8-15# yellowtail for the morning, and then the fish stopped biting in the afternoon. We continued to see yellowtail on kelp paddies but they didn’t want to cooperate.

We travelled out to the bluefin zone and saw multiple schools. We hooked a couple big ones, but lost both. We are spending the night and hoping for a good day of tuna fishing tomorrow. 

Check this past “Tackle Tip Thursday” on big fish reels by Gary Gillingham: Accurate Reels for big tuna

Here is Vern W. with a nice yellowtail that Capt Mike Todter hooked and handed to him using one of the boat’s loaner gear thanks to Accurate Fishing Products

Wish us luck with some tuna tomorrow!
Capt Art and Team Searcher

June 22nd, 2019|Categories: Trip Reports|

Trip 1- Accurate

Day 1 (Part 2):Hello anglers,

This morning we decided to changed things up this and concentrated on yellowtail. (kelp paddies.) We have had some action on 8-15# yellowtail and a chance at some bluefin tuna as well. Here is a photo of Gary G. from AccurateProducts with a bluefin tuna he landed on a knife lure trying for yellowtail. (The fish pictured with Gary, weighed 144#’s ) Great job Gary!

More to come, Stay hooked here!

~Captain Art and Team Searcher

June 21st, 2019|Categories: Trip Reports|

Trip 1 – Accurate

Day 1:

Hello anglers,

We departed on our first trip of the 2019 season today. Thanks to Everingham Brothers Bait Company for a tremendous load of bait. 

We briefed everyone on safety items and then talked about rigging for this afternoon’s fishing for bluefin tuna. We recommended fly-line sardines with fluorocarbon and a 2/0 circle hook, a flat fall lure with 150 pound leaders and finally a live bait outfit with a 6 oz sinker.

We arrived in the zone and started seeing fish immediately. We several spots of fish all afternoon but couldn’t get any response. There were no boils or bites until the final stop of the day. We hooked four bluefin and landed three in the 50-pound range. Here is Bernard C. his bluefin landed on a flat fall lure.

We have beautiful calm seas and are looking forward to tomorrow.

Capt Art and Team Searcher

June 21st, 2019|Categories: Trip Reports|

Birthday contest winner announced!

Congratulations to Ed W. for being our trivia contest winner in celebration of Searcher’s 49th birthday TODAY! She was launched in Newport Beach, CA on May 24, 1970.

The question was: “What other trips has Searcher offered besides sportfishing and natural history tours?” We would have accepted birding trips and great white shark cage-diving trips (to Guadalupe Island). Ed was the first to respond with a correct answer. Thanks to all who played along!

May 24th, 2019|Categories: Trip Reports|
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